Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!  We are on the road to building the ROME as our new HOME! HOLLA!


  1. Welcome aboard I have learned more from these blogs than I could have imagined. I hope you have a nice smooth build our process has been pretty uneventful. Enjoy your build!

    1. Thank you so much for your welcome! I find these blogs to be a girl's bestfriend! I am learning so much for this unsure how to get it going! I was surprised to see your post. Yay! So something is working. lol

  2. Welcome to the RH eFamily! Good Luck! --Ericka

  3. Thank you Ericka!!! I am still trying to figure out this blog thang! I wrote a new beginnings post the other night to share of our journey and it vanished! Phooh! Anyway, here's to happy blogging and building!

  4. Welcome aboard....and good luck can't wait to read about your adventures

  5. Thank you Jesse and Lisa! This is truly a rewarding experience and I am delighted to do this with people who are having the same experience during this season. I just figured out how to post tabs for a timeline, selections, and model photos! Yay!

  6. Thank you Linda! We are almost there!!
