Tuesday, May 22, 2012

In GOD's hand!!

Well...things are looking bleek over here!!  We heard back from the loan officer with some not-so-good news.  They are taking it to another process for consideration.  If my husband and I are supposed to be in this home it is truly left up to GOD!  We have done everything they asked us to do.  It has been three long months plus.  I have to admit I feel defeated in every aspect.  This process has caused lots of stress for us and its a wonder we are still together.  So keep us in your prayers and your fingers crossed.


  1. Hope everything turns out ok!

  2. Hang in there and try to keep your hopes up!

    1. I am working on IT! It's difficult! Almost in tears and this point!!

  3. I truly don't understand NVRM. We are 18 days from closing and still don't have official re-approval. Susposedly we're fine because nothing changed since initial approval in January, but WTF is taking so long??? Trust me, I feel your pain on this one.

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth! I have been trying to be polite about it! My prayer is that they would say YES! It's frustrating because we may not get the approval.

  4. Good luck and fingers crossed! --Ericka

    1. Steve and Ericka, Congratulations on your closing TODAY! You two are blessed!

  5. Sending crossed fingers and prayers your way! I can feel your pain with NVR. Our loan is still in underwriting and they are supposedly breaking ground tomorrow. I hope everything works out for you. Most lenders can have you approved and at the closing table within 30 days. I do not understand what is going on with NVR.

  6. Thank you! Thank you! I wish I could say what you are saying....the breaking ground is tomorrow. We have yet to get that far with them. I truly hope everything works out too!!!

    1. Have you heard back from NVR yet? Our groundbreaking didn't take place due to a rain forecast, but it didn't rain! We still don't have a final approval from NVR. I hope everything works out for you.

    2. Nothing yet! Did they break ground today?

  7. Prayers to you!! Chin up, and as you seem to know, what is meant to be will happen.

  8. Hope all goes well, We got a call from NVRM today as well asking for more documents....EVENTHOUGH we have already been approved....:-/ They want to calculate deferred student loans in since they aren't gonna make our original closing date. RANDOM!!! But like everyone else is saying keep ur head up, just when things look the worst, God opens doors!

    1. **tears** tissue tissue I am praying for GOD to open that door! CHIN UP!!

  9. Checking back in on how you all are doing. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping you all are doing well!

  10. I had not been to the lot in a few days! I decided to make a connection today and drive by--it was emotional I must admit, but doing okay. I am choosing to trust that everything is going to work out well and GOD will open the door!
