Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 3 - Basement WALLS - check!

I was able to get the completed footers picture this morning!  YES!
Workers began laying out their supplies first thing this morning.

Apparently, these are used for the basement walls - not sure how they work!  :-(

Look closely to right hand side corner waaayy in the back you can see the guy working on the top corner of the morning room!

Walk out Basement Morning Room  
Double Patio Doors will be located on this wall

These guys are creating the window frames for the basement windows.  We are having two large windows installed to capture the view of the pond and to create extra inside lightening.

Check out the dude getting his swag on!  lol

Front Porch Footers in front of the Basement walls!

Sump Pump drainage hole - look closely near the orange spot

These basement walls look like the Mayan Ruins!!  

Cement truck on its way in to pour!

Basement Walls Are Complete

I love this picture!  I managed to get a telephoto close up of the basement walls.  I wanted to capture the sunlight between the walls.  This wall was formed to create two large basement windows.

The workers left some of their supplies behind!


  1. Hooray for foundation!!!!

  2. YAY! So jealous...we're still waiting to get the appointment with the flooring lady. (apparently she's pretty booked right now...wonder why=)

  3. lol...we're neck and neck! :D I'm so glad you get to be at the house WHILE they're doing things, because I generally can't just stay and watch when I have the little ones. I will live vicariously through you! It is interesting, though, that I seem to have a split level basement for my walkout and you don't...

    1. Remember it always goes back to the layout of your lot. It even looks like we may need extra steps once they back fill and include railings.

  4. Awesome progress! It's great to finally see the concrete poured and get a sense of the size, shape, etc. of your new home!!

    1. We were very happy seeing this part of the progress!

  5. Oh my gosh, they are really hustling! So happy you're making quicky progress after your LONG wait :)

    1. Sometimes it feels surreal because we waited so long and we still have three months to go! But I am not complaining!!

  6. Looks great!! So happy things are moving along for you guys! :-)

  7. Looks like underneath the porch then, there's going to be three square eternally empty spaces? Same for the garage? I wonder if that could be cracked into for a secret storage vault or something!

    1. Both of them will be filled with dirt and topped off with cement.
